Nov 2: Lots of pics of Rumpus and/or Frankie, but no possums. Check out the video and the two stills. (I suggest you maximize the video before you play it.)
Nov 1: Last night and this morning, the camera took lots of photos of the possum and Rumpus walking around in the same spots (by the rear deck), but neither one showed much interest in or fear of the other, so I didn't bother to upload any of the images. However, as you can see, our wildlife camera is evolving into a rather talented fine art photographer:
Oct 30 (From 1:40 am this morning, in correct order. Last 2 pics taken when I was disabling the camera. Scroll through the images quickly to show motion.)
Oct 28-29
Please view these pics in reverse order. They are from our front yard close to the house, and halfway between the BBQ grill and the back deck. The B/W sequence of pics were all taken last night around 11:30 pm, while the the color images are from this morning around 10:30 am when I was removing the cam. As the last few days of photos show, there are one or more opossums living on or around our property, although I think I think it's probably the same animal in all the photos (looks to me like a mature female). NOTE: When I upload these pics, I delete about 50-75% of the ones that were shot, which I thought were redundant or uninteresting.